When I see other kids being dropped off at school, I feel thankful that Ethan’s at home because I remember so well what that morning routine was like for us. It certainly wasn’t always fun because we would need to hurry Ethan along almost every morning. Now, we just take the day as it comes.


Read on the Kindle when he woke up and after breakfast he decided on today’s theme, which was cardboard.

The cardboard project Ethan worked on was a pinball machine. He also painted a cardboard sword and made some modifications to a shield he made.

He then played Monopoly Deal with Dong Eun, and also helped with the laundry in the middle of the game.

After the game, he helped make egg salad sandwiches for lunch.


Ethan watched more of Planet Earth 2. One episode was about islands, mountains, komodo dragons and flamingos. He enjoyed the flamingos because they paraded in a group to attract a mate. And he thought it was funny how they got stuck in the water after it would freeze overnight.

Ethan started making a marble race track from straws glued to a base. We saw this project from a STEM website.

He then worked on the Gr. 1-3 workbooks and practiced the violin. For the violin practice, he watched a video on YouTube and mimicked what the teacher was doing as a to improve his playing.

He also practiced writing in Korean by choosing his own words to write.

Today was the first day that Ethan went to the school playground to play with his old school mates and friends. He found a few of the ones who attend the after school care and had a great time reconnecting with them. He was out for about an hour and afterwards, we went down to the pool and played there for about 40 minutes.


Before dinner, Ethan cleaned his room but we did it as a math game. Dong Eun would call out math problems and when Ethan got the answer, he would have to pick up that number of things on his bedroom floor.

At dinner time, we talked about why we are not eating beef and why we will only eat animals that have been raised in humane conditions and without antibiotics. We had been vegetarians for about a year but started eating more fish and recently reintroduced poultry into our diet. We explained to Ethan how some animals are treated badly, so eating them may not be the best thing to do. We talked about how some farmers respectfully raise the animals and treat them well.

After dinner, Ethan wrote his daily observation and filmed a new video about the new additions to his Rubik’s Cube collection.