hi. Ethan’s post no.7 or 6(6.) stuff

[fen]rnbqkbnr/pppppppp/NNNNNNNN/QQQQQQQQ/qqqqqqqq/nnnnnnnn/PPPPPPPP/RNBQKBNR w KQkq – 0 1[/fen] wow? so, here is a very fun link(you’ll see!). weird link.  so, here is extra one called Prodigy....

exponents part 1: starting explanation

note: all of the exponents series are made by Ethan, ok, Let’s get started! So, Exponents Tiny numbers You Put over normal numbers. But while They Are Tiny, They are Super Powerful! Like they Are Superheroes! They are! Really! So I’m Going to Show you what...