by carl376 | Nov 26, 2019 | Blog, My Videos
Ethan made another video about Conway’s Game of Life to explain how the game...
by Ethan Kwan | Nov 26, 2019 | Blog
well, 5 things. 1.we wouldn’t notice…at first. the sun is 8 light minutes away from earth. that means that it takes light 8 minutes to reach the Earth. in other words, if you were standing on earth, and your friend were standing on the sun…(NEVER DO...
by carl376 | Nov 25, 2019 | Blog, Home Learning, Homeschooling, Unschooling, 언스쿨링
Here’s Ethan’s week. (Ethan’s comment: it was really fun!) November 17 in the morning, I did some violin! practicing time! doing some coding. here, I made a bunny! It’s supposed to be interactive, but… I couldn’t figure out how to...
by Ethan Kwan | Nov 18, 2019 | Blog the universe is so huge, that it’s hard to get a scale of how big it is. some of the galaxies we see are very similar to ours; with spiral arms, a glowing center, and a mixture of...
by carl376 | Nov 17, 2019 | Blog, Homeschooling, Unschooling, 언스쿨링
It was Remembrance Day long weekend and this is how Ethan spent his week. He has taken a deeper interest in coding and has started learning Javascript, as well as continuing to learn about Python. Unschooling and SelfDesign allow him the freedom to explore new topics...
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