What is something that you enjoyed learning about or that you are proud of?
I enjoyed/am proud of a lot of things that I learned this year. I learned C# (which is for Unity), which is a lot like Javascript, so it wasn’t too challenging. I did some lab experiments, which was fun, and I finished a lot of the NVOL math course and even got an A on the midterm. I also got better at a coding language, Javascript, which was fun, because I tried to make my own projects instead of following tutorials.
What is something challenging you encountered and how did you cope with this?
I found that learning Unity was quite challenging (because it is a complex game engine after all), and I’m not very good at C# yet. But I overcame the challenge by following tutorials, and I realized that C# is sort of like JavaScript, which I know much better. Learning the language was pretty difficult until I found a few tutorials and realized that it’s similar to JavaScript.
What is something new that you discovered about yourself?
This year, I was invited to join the Taekwondo leadership program. I started helping lead Taekwondo classes, meaning I had to help five to seven-year-old white belt students with their patterns and kicking. I learned that I like to help and teach people about stuff. I’m doing a leadership program for Taekwondo where you learn how to be a leader. It’s really fun because I like helping little kids and watching them improve.
What are you interested in learning about or doing more of this winter/spring?
I’m interested in learning more Unity this spring, and I also want to try making a Minecraft Mod, which can change aspects of the game. For Unity, I want to try and make my own game, not following a tutorial. For Minecraft, I want to try and add more items and different ways to play the game.
Hi Ethan,
Thanks for answering the questions for the Winter Connection. Unity has been a highlight for you so far and is what you list as a goal as well so I look forward to hearing more about that in the upcoming months.
Your teaching/leadership work with Taekwando must be quite rewarding. I’m glad you’ve found out that you like doing this!
*Comments on my own blog*