This week, I went to my swimming, violin, and taekwondo classes, and I went to black belt training (taekwondo) on Saturday. I didn’t do much coding this week, because I couldn’t get any inspiration.

From last week’s nature school by Mink

The Great Blue Herons took a break from our pinata arena today, but NOT from jedi training! Instead, we launched a scouting mission into Spiny Wood in the morning, with the mission of getting some thin green rope out of our stash there. Those who accepted this mission had to do so without being spotted by the young sprouts! No one must know where we stash our FNGP supplies (unless, of course, we tell them! )

The mission was a success, and we headed to Eagle Island for some peaceful sit-spot snack time while Mink setup a wild web of rope, fraught with beanie baby forest friends who had been captured. We played a focused sneaking game Mink invented called “Shelob’s Web”, which involved trying to free the forest friends from the web without touching the web or being heard by Shelob the spider (blindfolded Mink). Because Mink was the Spider, the kids had the opportunity to step up into roles she normally holds like pointer (helping everyone take fair turns sneaking) and watchers (who sound the buzzer if anyone touches the web!). Mink was impressed with everyone’s ability to play fairly and honourably. It was great fun!

Afterwards, the kids invented their own game with the web which involved a moving spider armed with a pool noodle who was able to touch the webs! This one involved team strategy and was sometimes fast-paced! It was a great day of team-building and creativity on Eagle Island.

LC Short Response

Hello Ethan, 

This will be a bit of a shorter response as I am getting ready to write up the Year End Summaries. Can you believe the end of grade 7 is right around the corner for you? Would you please write some of your highlights of the year for week 33. Be sure to also let me know what is next for you in the months to come. I will be sure to include your contribution in the write up, I don’t want to miss anything that you think was really significant this year. 

Week 34 will be your last Observation for Learning and then we will do a farewell Zoom for week 35. 

You say you might not have found coding inspiration, but I see you had many other activities and learning to keep you busy and engaged. Some very incredible stuff going on for you this week:

I learned about extrema, which is basically the largest value on a graph.

I started learning about ellipses.

I started learning about integrals in calculus.

I learned about the energy in a simple harmonic oscillator.

I started the agriculture unit in the Big History Project!

I did a science project where I calculated the gravitational constant on each planet.

I finished my essay about the Solar System! 

Would you include a link in the next reflection, I would love to read the essay. You know more about the Solar System than most people I know and I would be interested to read what you chose to write about. It is such a big subject, I am curious what your focus was and what type of essay it is

I continued making my stop motion videos on a Go board.

Your stop motion is the best!

I learned about how you can add numbers with water.

I made a digital version of that in CircuitVerse!

Now this piqued my curiosity. Adding with water, I had to google it…. Making a digital version in Circuit Verse is such a brilliant extension activity. I notice more and more how you are learning new concepts and then applying them in different ways or using other platforms to explore the properties, so exciting Ethan. This is deep learning.  Not this kind of deep learning, not AI and machine learning (but that is pretty interesting too) I mean you take your learning to new levels, go deeper with it. 

Maybe you are interested in this kind of deep learning too….

I have a question for you Ethan, you often include a summary of your outdoor ed time written by the leaders. I love reading all that you do out there, the games you play and the challenges. I am wondering if you could highlight a little in your own words what you really enjoy or get out of the Soaring Eagle Nature school. How are your friends there? How do you like the mentor teachers? What are you learning about plants or wild places? 

Have a fun weekend
